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Blogs on DDI for Network Automation & Network Security

DDI (DNS-DHCP-IPAM) is foundational for managing apps and networks on-prem and in clouds. It simplifies network management, strengthens security, and enables automation. Read how Smart DDI enhances business continuity & UX, speeds up time to revenue, and improves compliance.

Black Friday – DNS at the top of hackers’ shopping lists

It’s that time of the year again! This year Black Friday falls on the 24th of November, the day after Thanksgiving. The Black Friday shopping craze extends around the world, reaching retailers and shoppers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, India and France. The masses of shoppers squashed like sardines in a can, shoving and fighting each other for the best bargains, are mostly now online. This heavy web traffic heading towards DNS servers worldwide has provided hackers...

May 25th 2018 is imminent: Are you ready for GDPR?

Officially on May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will protect data related to citizens of the European Union, anywhere in the world. It adds strict rules for breaches and possible penalties of up to four percent of turnover and requires notification to the supervisory authority within 72 hours of breach occurring. The regulation has been framed around the location of the data subject, rather than the data controller or data processor, meaning this EU regulation has global...

Network Security – Are universities ready to deal with unexpected issues?

Modern higher education needs technology. IT drives research projects, it powers administrative systems, and it’s on every student’s desk and pocket. The result is a complex, almost chaotic network environment that mixes controlled business services with an uncontrolled myriad of different devices of all ages and all capabilities. There’s no way for higher education organizations to mandate hardware and software; students will always bring their own computers and on average three to four mobile devices. Thousands of machines connect to...

Asia Pacific – a centre of digital innovation and the focus for DNS attacks

Undoubtedly, Asia Pacific (APAC) is expanding in its digital landscape. China and India, for example, are the two fastest growing economies in the world. The APAC regions currently own approximately 34% of the world’s economy with China ranking second place, following the US, owning $11 trillion. Some of this fast growth has been driven by technology initiatives. The government of Singapore is looking to fuel tech startups in its quest to transform Singapore into a high-tech hub. If that is...

IPAM: A key component of the IT automation initiative

Walk around any data center anywhere in the world, and while you’ll see a lot of servers, you won’t see many people. That’s because they’re automated, the tasks that used to require teams of operators are now handled by software. Those empty halls are a sign of the huge changes that have swept through IT over the last decade. Servers may still fill our racks, but they’re now just the foundation of a compute and storage fabric that hosts virtual...

Integrated DDI: Automating Network Management for Greater Productivity

Today’s network engineers use a plethora of tools to monitor and manage their networks and thousands of IP addresses. However, over the years, many networking teams have acquired too many of them with overlapping features. Managing these tools has become a burden both financially and operationally for organizations, and created more work for IT professionals. This inefficient way of managing a network has become outdated and begs the question, how are even world class, networking teams meant to deliver world...

Europe’s False Sense of Cyber Security

Once upon a time, the scariest IT Security stories concerned the US almost exclusively. Such high-profile debacles as the Target outage, gained worldwide headlines because of large fines and senior executive departures. As the list of corporations affected by the Dyn outage shows however, there is no room for complacency elsewhere. DNS security issues are truly global in scope. Our third annual DNS Threat Survey was also global in scope and pointed out the differences in attitude around the world....

IPAM: the Foundation for Efficient Firewall Management

Back in the old days, ensuring security of your network was simple. All you had to worry about were the common ports: FTP, SMTP, HTTP and HTTPS. You’d keep the ports you were using open, and block everything else, filtering the traffic on allowed services. However, in today’s complex, heterogeneous IT environment, security policies must now be extended across all platforms: physical/virtual and cloud. In particular, they need to be maintained for all the different multi-vendor firewalls your company uses....

DNS attacks are getting more sophisticated – North Americans better buckle up!

For the third year, EfficientIP conducted one of the largest surveys exploring the technical and behavioral causes for the rise in DNS threats and their potential effects on businesses globally. Responses varied around the world, and so in a series of blog posts we’re going to highlight some key regional differences, looking at Europe, APAC, and in this first post, North America. DNS security is increasingly critical. With improvements in security in firewalls, operating systems, and other elements of our...

Smart DDI: Network Automation For Enhanced Business Efficiency

With the number of global internet users now reaching 3.4 billion according to Mary Meeker’s 2017 internet trends report, leading to 30.7 billion connected devices by 2020, organizations are faced with new challenges: changing the way they deliver and manage IP addresses and integrating this with their DNS/DHCP management. In short, moving to a smart DDI solution. Many of the IP address management tools currently in use were designed for a time when the only devices you had were a...

Integrated DDI: The Hidden Helper for Network Management Visibility

Technology provides a plethora of solutions to keep businesses innovating. But implementing these ideas into a successful IT transformation initiative involves making sure the basic IT infrastructure, on which this innovation is built, stays secure. This requires a modern network infrastructure as a foundational pillar and the implementation of a robust DNS, DHCP and IPAM (DDI) solution. Such a foundation can be far more strategic than it immediately seems. The hidden helper The smart integration of what many regard as...

Win the Battle Against Connected Devices with DNS Security

Connected cameras, vending machines and light bulbs have become the unexpected vectors of the latest cyberattacks. These are just the beginning of a long list of Internet of Things devices used by hackers to take down businesses or steal data. But where should the blame lie for this new DNS Security threat? The promise of connected devices was one of a better life. We loved the idea of making things easier with access to more services at the same time....