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Virtualization & Cloud









DDI Automation for Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a modern approach to managing and provisioning computing infrastructure using machine-readable scripts and configuration files rather than manual processes. IaC enables rapid and consistent deployment, scaling, and management of infrastructure, driving greater IT agility and efficiency. As enterprises undergo digital transformation, IaC is essential to support complex, dynamic environments and multi-cloud strategies. This blog outlines how DDI (DNS DHCP IPAM) acting as a Network Automation Hub serves as a foundational element of IaC, propelling network...

Why Multicloud Success Relies on Smart DDI Solutions

As organizations increasingly embrace the cloud, the complexity and diversity of multicloud environments pose significant challenges, demanding robust, agile management solutions. Navigating this complexity requires sophisticated tools that can integrate, secure, and optimize disparate cloud services seamlessly. EfficientIP’s latest whitepaper, Achieving Multicloud Operational Excellence: The Key Role of DDI, offers valuable insights into leveraging DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (DDI) solutions to master these challenges. By centralizing control,enhancing visibility, enabling end-to-end automation, and simplifying compliance, DDI solutions empower businesses...

DDI as a Network Automation Hub: 3 Key Use Cases

Network automation is on the rise, especially in the context of hybrid multicloud environments, addressing network complexity, and mitigating security risks while enhancing operational efficiency. This blog outlines quick steps to accelerate network automation initiatives, emphasizing the importance of starting small, utilizing essential tools such as DDI solutions with built-in Network Source of Truth (NSoT) and APIs that serve as a Network Automation Hub. By highlighting three key use cases, Network Automation Hub helps advance network automation implementations regardless of...

How DDI Solutions for Healthcare Elevate Network Automation

Network reliability is a critical necessity in the healthcare sector as it directly impacts patient care. The industry grapples with the challenges of maintaining seamless connectivity for essential services, simplifying multi-cloud and IoT management, and ensuring anywhere access to confidential patient data. Network modernization is vital to dealing with this complex scenario, with network automation being crucial for efficient deployment and management of network resources and security policies. Key to automation is a Network Source of Truth (NSoT) and secure,...

New DDI Observability Center: Optimizing Network Operations

As modern networks become increasingly complex and difficult to manage, EfficientIP presents our DDI Observability Center to solve the challenges of network diversity, data overload, and limited visibility. This innovative cloud-based portal provides in-depth DDI and DNS telemetry, proactive monitoring, and interactive dashboards, enabling swift anomaly detection and efficient troubleshooting. It transforms network management by enhancing operational efficiency, optimizing network performance, and ensuring business resilience. This blog explores how DDI Observability not only addresses current network challenges but also aligns...

Top 5 Trends: Network Automation and Security in 2024

2023 turned out to be another interesting year for Network and Security teams. With the worrying geo-political situation affecting supplies and costs, and network complexity rising, organizations struggled to keep control of their IT architectures. Two important concerns continued to rise. Poor visibility over IT network activity has made them increasingly difficult to manage, and cybercriminals are launching more increasingly-sophisticated attacks, often exploiting DNS. So to take back control over network operations in 2024, observability, network automation and DNS Threat...

Top 5 Network and Security Predictions for 2023

Welcome to 2023, a year that promises to be another one full of turbulence, coming back from the pandemic, and facing the current hectic economic climate and downturn which in effect brings new challenges to enterprises. They have to develop (new) resilient strategies, resist threats, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. This is where network automation comes into play and shines. And as if this is not enough already, further continuation of adopting hybrid working, network modeling, risk mitigation, and...

SD-WAN: Why DDI is Key for Efficient Management

As published in a recent article in SDxCentral based on research from MEF, both the SD-WAN and SASE markets show strong revenue and activity, but they both face challenges impacting market efficiencies and growth. Let’s review the related challenges presented in the article and see how a solid DDI Solution can help mitigate these challenges and ease multi-vendor SD-WAN and integration of Security options. Challenges with SD-WAN for Service Providers and Enterprises Across the globe, 36 Service Provider experts were surveyed and the results...

Fighting DDoS Attacks with Hybrid Cloud DNS

DNS security is often in the news, a notable example being due to one of the largest DDoS attacks ever disrupting the Dyn cloud DNS service. At least 150,000 compromised devices (including IoT hardware) were used by the Mirai botnet to bombard cloud-hosted DNS servers with DNS requests, taking down access to many of the Internet’s most popular services. What is important to note is that it wasn’t just cloud DNS services that were affected; the millions of users trying...

Simplify Management of DNS Services with DNS Cloud Extension to Azure DNS Zones

Hardening your DNS infrastructure Securing your Internet visibility at a global scale is easily achieved using Public Cloud DNS Services. To avoid Public Cloud vendor lock-in you need a solution that will simplify and unify the management of your public DNS Zones while hardening security. EfficientIP DNS Cloud does just that and more. DNS Servers deliver critical services to your organization but they are exposed to attacks from the Internet. In the IDC 2021 Global DNS Threat Report, 76% of...

Simplify & Secure Your Network

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