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Python Library for SOLIDserver

In the infrastructure as code and orchestration spaces, engineers frequently use programmatic languages such as Python. When using higher level automation tools like Ansible or Puppet the underlying language used is mostly one which is well known Python, Ruby or Golang. Communication with the network and system components needs to be performed with simple methods, REST APIs are very well designed for this purpose, they are easy to manipulate, actions are atomic, require no complex session to set up and...

Data Driven Network Security with Machine Learning

Today’s threats are sophisticated, malware deploys a long time prior to activation using complex command and control mechanisms, and theft of data and personal information is a strong motivation for hackers. In this context, DNS traffic plays a vital role in enterprise network security since it offers the possibility of seeing the intent of most traffic, whether it is legitimate or not. Countermeasures based on DNS provide an opportunity to filter a lot of malicious traffic, but DNS security requires...

Cisco DNA and EfficientIP IPAM Integration, For Easy Access Network Deployment

When focusing on zero touch automation, orchestration and automated network deployment are in the landscape. For maximizing the efficiency of this process, an IP address management (IPAM) solution is a key component that will ensure coherence of this automation, provide error-free configuration and bring significant administration savings. This is why EfficientIP offers Cisco DNA customers strong integration on automatic IP address provisioning for access networks. What is Cisco DNA? Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) is an open, extensible, software-driven architecture...

Responding to rapidly growing DNS threats, a critical need for APAC organizations

The average financial loss to organisations across Asia Pacific from DNS attacks is on the rise, up 19% from last year. Reports say that 62% of organizations in the region have suffered application downtime associated with DNS attacks. Companies in Asia Pacific have been steadily upping their technology spends in a quest to embrace digital economy and respond to increasing consumer and stakeholder demands. As the growth engine of the world, APAC has seen a rapid surge in the exchange...

Cloud Automation: How to Use EfficientIP Terraform DDI Provider

Infrastructure is moving to the cloud, private or public, because of its ability to be elastic, programmable and in some cases cheaper. Multi-cloud today tends to be the standard way of building application bases, and automation and software-defined are the new paradigm for helping businesses in their digital transformation. In the same way, development teams are using specific development frameworks for their applications to improve quality, efficiency and reusability of the software components, and operations teams are relying on orchestration...

What Smart DDI Means for Hybrid Clouds in Asia Pacific

This week’s blog comes to us from our very own Nick Itta, VP Sales APAC. The growth of Asia’s digital economy is happening at breakneck speed, boosted by a high level of interconnected networks comprised of organisations and consumers. With a massive amount of IT infrastructure supporting the backend, organisations are striking a balance between managing data on private IT infrastructure or in public/private clouds, finding a middle ground referred to as the Hybrid Cloud. As business needs evolve given...

Simplify & Secure Your Network

When our goal is to help companies face the challenges of modern infrastructures and digital transformation, actions speak louder than words.

SOLIDserver UX interface