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Business Continuity

From Leading to Lagging: Europe’s NIS 2 Compliance Spectrum

Preparing for compliance with the NIS 2 Directive is a top priority for any organization that either operates in Europe or counts it as a target market. Set to take full effect by October 17, 2024, NIS 2 aims to enhance cybersecurity by expanding the scope of its predecessor for key sectors, particularly around the visibility and understanding of risk. DNS service and network security are integral in this effort, as they ensure the protection and proper management of DNS...

Enhancing Olympics Network Security and UX with DDI Solutions: 3 Use Cases

Large sporting events such as the Olympic Games attract millions of spectators, athletes, and media personnel. Robust IT infrastructures are critical for running these events, so need to be highly resilient against network access disruptions, cybersecurity threats, live streaming interruptions, and operational communication failures. For addressing these challenges in order to ensure optimal user experience and strong network security, DDI solutions (DNS-DHCP-IPAM) and DNS security are foundational. Events Today: Situation & Challenges for Making Them Run Smoothly When it comes...

The Key Role of Protective DNS for Phishing Protection

Phishing attacks have been around for almost three decades. Awareness of them is wide with phishing protection measures to detect and block them included in almost every security solution. Nevertheless, they remain one of the most commonly used attack vectors. According to the IDC 2023 DNS threat report, 54% of organizations were victims of phishing attacks in 2023, a 3% increase from 2022. It is not surprising that regulatory bodies across the world are shining a spotlight on this attack...

Is your DNS Security Ready for the NIS 2 Directive? The Clock is Ticking!

The NIS 2 directive underscores the importance of robust DNS security to uphold internet integrity, highlighting DNS’s critical role in digital infrastructure and vulnerability to cyber threats. Implementing a Protective DNS Security solution combined with DNS-centric threat intelligence and other security measures is essential for organizations to improve defenses, minimize cyber risks, and ensure compliance with new standards set by NIS 2, thereby maintaining internet stability and security. Let’s take a closer look. NIS 2: What’s next? The year ahead...

New IDC Report: DNS Threat Intelligence for Proactive Defense

Year after year, the impacts and costs of DNS attacks continue to rise, causing severe damage. Based on a survey of 1,000 security experts, the new 2023 IDC Threat Report shows 90% of organizations suffered DNS attacks, costing $1.1M each. Highlighting the fundamental role of DNS in network security strategies, the report confirms that it is time now more than ever to strengthen protection via a purpose-built, integrated DNS security solution. DNS threat intelligence offers evolution to proactive defense, while...

How DDI Helps Telcos Move Their Network Automation Forward

With ever complexifying networks, multi-cloud adoption, stricter regulations, explosion of IoT, and new services introduced by Private 5G, telcos and ISPs are turning to network automation for improving operational agility and efficiency. At the heart of this is trusted data (Network Source of Truth), open APIs, and DDI. The new IDC 2023 Network Automation report explains drivers, inhibitors, benefits seen, and why DNS-DHCP-IPAM (DDI) is an obvious starting point for enabling zero touch operations. Why is the Telecom Sector Turning...

2022 Top 5 Highlights for Network Automation and Security

2022 has been challenging for IT and network teams. While the pandemic brought a shift to cloud and work-from-anywhere, market factors this year such as supply chain issues, the war in Ukraine, and inflation have brought “optimization” to the forefront. That includes optimizing operational efficiency (time savings) as well as costs (TCO & Opex), to ensure business continuity, risk management, and compliance. To meet requirements, enhanced security postures, improved multi-cloud management, and above all network automation projects have been mainly...

How Telcos Overcome Rising DNS Attacks

Telecommunication operators control and run the critical infrastructure vital for communicating and storing large amounts of sensitive data. This makes them an obvious major target for cyber attacks, frequently using DNS as an attack vector to cause devastating impacts on internet connectivity and data confidentiality. According to a recent IDC security report, Telcos are the 2nd most targeted vertical, with 94 percent of them suffering DNS attacks. Other reports estimate each DDoS attack carried out through DNS costs over $220,000...

How to Secure Anywhere Networking with DNS: 2022 Threat Report Highlights

As organizations adopt a “work from anywhere” approach, IDC’s 2022 Global DNS Threat Report confirms that the frequency and damage cost of DNS attacks have remained as high as ever, causing severe impacts on service continuity and data confidentiality for on-premises, cloud, and remote workers. On the positive side, the importance of DNS for overall network security is being increasingly acknowledged, with organizations understanding its criticality for strengthening resilience, protecting data privacy, and for providing an early security barrier by...

DDI for Telco: Improving Business Continuity, Operational Efficiency and Scalability

For Telecom operators and Internet Service Providers, IP networks are becoming increasingly complex to manage and evolve. Multi cloud, IoT, 5G and other digital transformation projects have introduced “anything-as-a-software”, SD-WAN, NFV and SDN architectures and opened up new usages requiring ultra-low latency. DNS, DHCP and IPAM (known collectively as DDI) are critical technologies for IP networks, and together with automation are mandatory for simplifying management via zero-touch operations, while ensuring service availability and enhancing user experience. EfficientIP’s all-in-one solution integrates...

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