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Business Continuity

How to Overcome SIEM Limitations for Network Security

SIEM technology has been in existence for more than a decade, providing consolidated security reports from correlated event logs, often in order to achieve compliance with security standards. But SIEM can do better, by leveraging correlated security events to trigger alerts and appropriate reaction from SOC (Security Operations Center) teams. Effective SIEM deployment benefits from all specialized network security components. Just like a manager delegating tasks to expert members of its team, the SIEM should delegate part of the analysis...

Why SDDC is Powerless without Automated DDI Provisioning ?

Gartner has predicted that 75% of Global 2000 enterprises will require Software Defined Data Centers (SDDC) by 2020. This move towards reliance on software-based infrastructure components is expected to bring agility to any service deployment workflow, and potentially also lower cost by using standardized hardware. However, realizing these benefits relies on infrastructure components being deployed and managed properly. This can only be achieved via automated provisioning of IP resources. As IP Address Management (IPAM) is at the core of this...

Get Ready For the Future of Retail with DNS

Walk into a modern shop and you’ll see this new interface to the world of retail. It’s chip credit card readers, barcode scanners, smart e-paper price labels, intelligent posters, and Bluetooth beacons- a list that goes on and on and into the cloud. They’re tools that are bringing about new ways of selling, and are changing the face of retail in ways you wouldn’t expect. For instance, at its recent Dreamforce event, Salesforce notably demonstrated a tool that used Bluetooth...

Improving DNS Security Helps APAC Businesses Stay Online

EfficientIP’s 2016 global DNS security survey doesn’t just show the global picture; it lets us drill down into regional differences between various major marketplaces. We’ve already looked at the results from the USA and European markets, and in this second in a series of regional explorations, we’re now looking at the results from Asia, from which EfficientIP interviewed 200 different companies as part of its survey. Asia is home to many of the world’s most advanced economies, driving the global...

The Internet of Things and DNS Security

When we think of the Internet of Things, we usually think of smart home devices such as Nest’s intelligent thermostat, Amazon’s Echo or the recently announced Google Home. But they’re only a small part of a predicted explosion in the number of devices – and in the services they are going to use. Tomorrow’s internet is one where machines and devices outnumber the PCs and smartphones that access the information they deliver. Just take a look at the announcements from...

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