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Cloud Observer

DDI Automation for Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a modern approach to managing and provisioning computing infrastructure using machine-readable scripts and configuration files rather than manual processes. IaC enables rapid and consistent deployment, scaling, and management of infrastructure, driving greater IT agility and efficiency. As enterprises undergo digital transformation, IaC is essential to support complex, dynamic environments and multi-cloud strategies. This blog outlines how DDI (DNS DHCP IPAM) acting as a Network Automation Hub serves as a foundational element of IaC, propelling network...

Why Multicloud Success Relies on Smart DDI Solutions

As organizations increasingly embrace the cloud, the complexity and diversity of multicloud environments pose significant challenges, demanding robust, agile management solutions. Navigating this complexity requires sophisticated tools that can integrate, secure, and optimize disparate cloud services seamlessly. EfficientIP’s latest whitepaper, Achieving Multicloud Operational Excellence: The Key Role of DDI, offers valuable insights into leveraging DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (DDI) solutions to master these challenges. By centralizing control,enhancing visibility, enabling end-to-end automation, and simplifying compliance, DDI solutions empower businesses...

Ecosystem for Boosting NetOps: Network Automation

The importance of ecosystems for Network Automation and Management  In today’s digital landscape, networks serve as the backbone of nearly every aspect of modern life, from communication and commerce to entertainment and healthcare. As networks grow more complex, efficient management and smooth operation are crucial. Network automation is a game-changer, reducing manual intervention, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing network agility and responsiveness. It enables dynamic provisioning, configuration, management, and monitoring of network services based on application needs or policies. But,...

DDI as a Network Automation Hub: 3 Key Use Cases

Network automation is on the rise, especially in the context of hybrid multicloud environments, addressing network complexity, and mitigating security risks while enhancing operational efficiency. This blog outlines quick steps to accelerate network automation initiatives, emphasizing the importance of starting small, utilizing essential tools such as DDI solutions with built-in Network Source of Truth (NSoT) and APIs that serve as a Network Automation Hub. By highlighting three key use cases, Network Automation Hub helps advance network automation implementations regardless of...

Is your DNS Security Ready for the NIS 2 Directive? The Clock is Ticking!

The NIS 2 directive underscores the importance of robust DNS security to uphold internet integrity, highlighting DNS’s critical role in digital infrastructure and vulnerability to cyber threats. Implementing a Protective DNS Security solution combined with DNS-centric threat intelligence and other security measures is essential for organizations to improve defenses, minimize cyber risks, and ensure compliance with new standards set by NIS 2, thereby maintaining internet stability and security. Let’s take a closer look. NIS 2: What’s next? The year ahead...

Why DDI APIs Matter to Network Automation

Open APIs are essential to enable IT modernization required by digital business transformation. By unleashing actionable data and metadata on DNS, DHCP, IPAM, and built-in Network Source of Truth (NSoT), DDI APIs play a central role to deliver critical use cases in network automation and security. This allows NetOps, DevOps, and NetSecOps teams to reap tangible benefits very quickly. APIs are a catalyst of IT modernization Collaboration is key. Many would agree that working together has great power. As we...

Use DDI to Jumpstart Network Automation in a Cisco Environment

Why Network Automation is Needed Besides economically driven reasons, digital-transformation strategies are still a prime reason to perform Network Automation in general. The main goals here are to improve efficiency and flexibility to increase productivity. The challenges aimed to be solved are in the areas of cost, visibility and change, in order to maximize return on investments. As Gartner puts it: “… by 2024, organizations will lower operational costs by 30% by combining automation technologies with redesigned operational processes …”...

Top 5 Network and Security Predictions for 2023

Welcome to 2023, a year that promises to be another one full of turbulence, coming back from the pandemic, and facing the current hectic economic climate and downturn which in effect brings new challenges to enterprises. They have to develop (new) resilient strategies, resist threats, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. This is where network automation comes into play and shines. And as if this is not enough already, further continuation of adopting hybrid working, network modeling, risk mitigation, and...

2022 Top 5 Highlights for Network Automation and Security

2022 has been challenging for IT and network teams. While the pandemic brought a shift to cloud and work-from-anywhere, market factors this year such as supply chain issues, the war in Ukraine, and inflation have brought “optimization” to the forefront. That includes optimizing operational efficiency (time savings) as well as costs (TCO & Opex), to ensure business continuity, risk management, and compliance. To meet requirements, enhanced security postures, improved multi-cloud management, and above all network automation projects have been mainly...

SOLIDserver 8.2: Enhancing Network Automation and Cloud Asset Management

With the Release 8.2 of SOLIDserver, IT teams including CloudOps, DevOps, and NetSecOps are provided with two new products that strengthen their capability to better view cloud instances and network objects to accelerate their automation journey, increasing their agility and help decision-making to sustain business needs. Complementary benefits can be envisaged around enhanced cost control, risk management, and meeting compliance. These significant benefits are brought by the following two major products introduced with Release 8.2: Cloud Observer: Centralized Visibility Over...

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