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From Leading to Lagging: Europe’s NIS 2 Compliance Spectrum

Preparing for compliance with the NIS 2 Directive is a top priority for any organization that either operates in Europe or counts it as a target market. Set to take full effect by October 17, 2024, NIS 2 aims to enhance cybersecurity by expanding the scope of its predecessor for key sectors, particularly around the visibility and understanding of risk. DNS service and network security are integral in this effort, as they ensure the protection and proper management of DNS...

Is your DNS Security Ready for the NIS 2 Directive? The Clock is Ticking!

The NIS 2 directive underscores the importance of robust DNS security to uphold internet integrity, highlighting DNS’s critical role in digital infrastructure and vulnerability to cyber threats. Implementing a Protective DNS Security solution combined with DNS-centric threat intelligence and other security measures is essential for organizations to improve defenses, minimize cyber risks, and ensure compliance with new standards set by NIS 2, thereby maintaining internet stability and security. Let’s take a closer look. NIS 2: What’s next? The year ahead...

Network Security for Higher Education: The Key Role of DNS

Last year, Education and Research were the top targets for cybercriminals, according to a study by Check Point. With remote learning becoming normal, bad actors are finding new ways to leverage techniques such as phishing and ransomware, often using DNS as an attack target or a vector. IDC’s 2022 Global DNS Threat Report shows that 84% of schools and universities were victims of DNS attacks in the past 12 months. The report then goes on to provide recommendations on how...

DNS Security for Healthcare: Controlling Connected Devices and Protecting Patient Data

Over the past few years, healthcare organizations have been rapidly moving towards connected devices and cloud, driven by digital transformation projects and accelerated by the pandemic. However, to allow operating with complete trust, cybersecurity solutions need to keep pace with new telehealth/telemedicine technologies adopted which due to their criticality for patient health must be “always on”. Above all, network infrastructure needs to be reliable, connected medical devices have to be controlled in terms of what infrastructure they are allowed to...

Enhancing Visibility & Control Over Google Cloud Platform with IPAM Sync

Today, workloads are deployed on in-house DC or Public Cloud (Hybrid Cloud) or even in various Public Cloud Providers (MultiCloud). This brings new challenges for Netops and SecOps teams to build an accurate and consolidated Visibility on the Hybrid Cloud and Multicloud Infrastructures they are in charge of, so they require a Network Source of Truth (NSoT) for administration, operations and security purposes. An IPAM is meant for planification and reference purposes. It is used as a blueprint of the...

Why IPAM Repository is the Key Enabler for Network Automation

Nowadays, things are moving quickly and nothing is set in stone. The same is true for IT and networking services. Today, deploying applications or websites must be done quickly for faster Time-to-Service but in addition, must be done as many times as required to account for the necessary functional upgrades or mandatory security patches. So, most of the mundane IT and networking tasks must now be thought of in terms of cycles with their seasonalities and not as a one-off...

DDI for Telco: Improving Business Continuity, Operational Efficiency and Scalability

For Telecom operators and Internet Service Providers, IP networks are becoming increasingly complex to manage and evolve. Multi cloud, IoT, 5G and other digital transformation projects have introduced “anything-as-a-software”, SD-WAN, NFV and SDN architectures and opened up new usages requiring ultra-low latency. DNS, DHCP and IPAM (known collectively as DDI) are critical technologies for IP networks, and together with automation are mandatory for simplifying management via zero-touch operations, while ensuring service availability and enhancing user experience. EfficientIP’s all-in-one solution integrates...

Improving Operational Efficiency with DDI Automation & Event Forwarding

The DDI (DNS-DHCP-IPAM) solution is the central point for any IP related information you have on your network, so being able to automatically inform other IT components about any modifications is a must. SOLIDserver proposes such a webhook feature, which we call “Event Forwarding”. It reinforces the central position of the DDI, and in particular the IPAM, for the whole ecosystem, complementing our rich SOLIDserver API engine for automation from the peering tools in order to enhance security, visibility, compliance...

Automating Security Compliance with SOLIDServer IPAM and Tufin Integration

You can’t secure what you don’t know As we know at EfficientIP, managing security of the IP Infrastructure nowadays is challenging. The move to cloud, deployment of SD-WAN networks and Zero Trust requirements increase complexity by adding new devices and configuration processes. Users are more ubiquitous, application deployment more frequent, hybrid cloud deployments present in most enterprises while threats have never been stronger. This is why we developed our SOLIDserver solution around our IPAM.Tufin is a leading vendor in the...

Ensuring Telco Service Continuity with DNS Security

Today, the services provided by telecommunications businesses underpin every facet of our lives – from streaming video content on the move, to providing the vital connections that power the global financial sector – network service providers supply the critical infrastructures we need. But the proliferation of internet traffic, driven by trends such as mobility, widespread deployment of IoT devices and customer demand for real time internet access from remote locations, has placed immense pressure on service providers to secure their...

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When our goal is to help companies face the challenges of modern infrastructures and digital transformation, actions speak louder than words.

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