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From Leading to Lagging: Europe’s NIS 2 Compliance Spectrum

Preparing for compliance with the NIS 2 Directive is a top priority for any organization that either operates in Europe or counts it as a target market. Set to take full effect by October 17, 2024, NIS 2 aims to enhance cybersecurity by expanding the scope of its predecessor for key sectors, particularly around the visibility and understanding of risk. DNS service and network security are integral in this effort, as they ensure the protection and proper management of DNS...

The Key Role of Protective DNS for Phishing Protection

Phishing attacks have been around for almost three decades. Awareness of them is wide with phishing protection measures to detect and block them included in almost every security solution. Nevertheless, they remain one of the most commonly used attack vectors. According to the IDC 2023 DNS threat report, 54% of organizations were victims of phishing attacks in 2023, a 3% increase from 2022. It is not surprising that regulatory bodies across the world are shining a spotlight on this attack...

Network Security for Higher Education: The Key Role of DNS

Last year, Education and Research were the top targets for cybercriminals, according to a study by Check Point. With remote learning becoming normal, bad actors are finding new ways to leverage techniques such as phishing and ransomware, often using DNS as an attack target or a vector. IDC’s 2022 Global DNS Threat Report shows that 84% of schools and universities were victims of DNS attacks in the past 12 months. The report then goes on to provide recommendations on how...

DNS Security for Healthcare: Controlling Connected Devices and Protecting Patient Data

Over the past few years, healthcare organizations have been rapidly moving towards connected devices and cloud, driven by digital transformation projects and accelerated by the pandemic. However, to allow operating with complete trust, cybersecurity solutions need to keep pace with new telehealth/telemedicine technologies adopted which due to their criticality for patient health must be “always on”. Above all, network infrastructure needs to be reliable, connected medical devices have to be controlled in terms of what infrastructure they are allowed to...

Why Using DoH is Questionable

DoH (DNS over HTTPS) is an interesting solution for securing the transport of DNS traffic up to the first resolver. But is it required? What are the drawbacks? Do we really need it? Can we trust its usage and the DoH providers currently available? After a few months of intensive usage, some are pushing the message that in the context of an organization DoH is an important subject for I&O teams and more generally for the CISO & CIO to...

Ensuring Telco Service Continuity with DNS Security

Today, the services provided by telecommunications businesses underpin every facet of our lives – from streaming video content on the move, to providing the vital connections that power the global financial sector – network service providers supply the critical infrastructures we need. But the proliferation of internet traffic, driven by trends such as mobility, widespread deployment of IoT devices and customer demand for real time internet access from remote locations, has placed immense pressure on service providers to secure their...

Data Regulations 2020: Time to Step up Your Data Theft Protection

Today’s data-driven economy is being led by personal data, so naturally focus is turning more strongly to privacy and protection. New regulations have appeared over the last few years, but 2020 will see a rapid acceleration, particularly in regions such as America and APAC. While it’s only fair that regulators introduce these new laws with their associated fines for data breaches, companies are still finding it extremely challenging to ensure confidentiality of their data. Cybercriminals are smart guys – data...

2019: The Year That Saw Cost Per DNS Attack Soar Past $1M

For organizations globally, across all industries, cybersecurity was once more one of the hottest topics of the year. The SonicWall report states that in just the first nine months 7.2 billion malware attacks were launched, with IoT malware worryingly increasing by 33% to 25 million. As the frequency of attacks continued to increase, DNS remained a favorite target, as well as an attack vector (91% of malware are using DNS). The IDC 2019 Global DNS Threat Report revealed 82% of...

Responding to rapidly growing DNS threats, a critical need for APAC organizations

The average financial loss to organisations across Asia Pacific from DNS attacks is on the rise, up 19% from last year. Reports say that 62% of organizations in the region have suffered application downtime associated with DNS attacks. Companies in Asia Pacific have been steadily upping their technology spends in a quest to embrace digital economy and respond to increasing consumer and stakeholder demands. As the growth engine of the world, APAC has seen a rapid surge in the exchange...

Five Predictions for Asia Pacific DNS Security in 2019

This week’s blog comes to us from our very own Nick Itta, VP Sales APAC.With 2018 coming to a close, I’ve engaged with companies and organizations across Asia Pacific, discussing their plans of attack for strengthening cyber security. During these conversations, several recurring themes have emerged, providing some insight into what we can expect in the year ahead. Here are my five predictions for the state of Asia Pacific’s DNS security in 2019: 1. Learning from 2018’s Lessons on Personal...

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