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Why Multicloud Success Relies on Smart DDI Solutions

As organizations increasingly embrace the cloud, the complexity and diversity of multicloud environments pose significant challenges, demanding robust, agile management solutions. Navigating this complexity requires sophisticated tools that can integrate, secure, and optimize disparate cloud services seamlessly. EfficientIP’s latest whitepaper, Achieving Multicloud Operational Excellence: The Key Role of DDI, offers valuable insights into leveraging DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (DDI) solutions to master these challenges. By centralizing control,enhancing visibility, enabling end-to-end automation, and simplifying compliance, DDI solutions empower businesses...

How to Secure Anywhere Networking with DNS: 2022 Threat Report Highlights

As organizations adopt a “work from anywhere” approach, IDC’s 2022 Global DNS Threat Report confirms that the frequency and damage cost of DNS attacks have remained as high as ever, causing severe impacts on service continuity and data confidentiality for on-premises, cloud, and remote workers. On the positive side, the importance of DNS for overall network security is being increasingly acknowledged, with organizations understanding its criticality for strengthening resilience, protecting data privacy, and for providing an early security barrier by...

Enhancing Visibility & Control Over Google Cloud Platform with IPAM Sync

Today, workloads are deployed on in-house DC or Public Cloud (Hybrid Cloud) or even in various Public Cloud Providers (MultiCloud). This brings new challenges for Netops and SecOps teams to build an accurate and consolidated Visibility on the Hybrid Cloud and Multicloud Infrastructures they are in charge of, so they require a Network Source of Truth (NSoT) for administration, operations and security purposes. An IPAM is meant for planification and reference purposes. It is used as a blueprint of the...

Simplify Management of DNS Services with DNS Cloud Extension to Azure DNS Zones

Hardening your DNS infrastructure Securing your Internet visibility at a global scale is easily achieved using Public Cloud DNS Services. To avoid Public Cloud vendor lock-in you need a solution that will simplify and unify the management of your public DNS Zones while hardening security. EfficientIP DNS Cloud does just that and more. DNS Servers deliver critical services to your organization but they are exposed to attacks from the Internet. In the IDC 2021 Global DNS Threat Report, 76% of...

5 Reasons to Choose EfficientIP DDI

Requirements of today’s IT infrastructure IT infrastructure has become extremely complex and in perpetual evolution to match ever evolving business needs. In addition to planning the needs for building and running new IT and Network services, decommissioning of resources when they are no longer needed, must now be anticipated right from the get go. Obviously, all this must also be performed while ensuring maximum security, high velocity and reliability in the execution. Not conforming to these requirements would lead to...

SD-WAN: How DDI Simplifies Deployment and Operations

SD-WAN was born as Enterprises needed cheaper bandwidth and more nimble ways of deploying and operating WAN networks especially with the requirements of Digital Transformation. Although SD-WAN delivers on its promises, most solutions on the market do not fulfill all the services that were rendered by traditional MPLS services, like for instance IP Address Management (IPAM). While providing some subsets of its features, SD-WAN solutions lack Integrated DDI (DNS-DHCP-IPAM) as a whole, especially DNS services. And while SD-WAN is protocol...

DDI for Multicloud: Improving Opex, UX and App Deployment

When it comes to handling of new applications and workloads for modern digital infrastructures, multicloud is an unquestionable reality. However, the real value of cloud is being held back by siloed data and manual processes which are both error-prone and time-consuming. Success of hybrid multicloud projects is very much reliant on resiliency, accessibility, security and performance of cloud infrastructures and services. For this, integrating the resources deployed in clouds with a DDI (DNS–DHCP–IPAM) solution is critical, as it brings the...

Accelerating Transition to the New Normal: Top 5 Predictions for 2021

After the challenging events in 2020, the effects of the Covid pandemic will continue throughout next year, ensuring remote working & remote customers will remain in the limelight. In order to function, businesses will have no choice but to transform, both from organizational and societal viewpoints. The result will be rapid acceleration of digital transformation projects, covering key initiatives like edge computing, multi-cloud, zero-trust security, autonomous networks and infrastructure-as-code. So as organizations continue their transition to the “new normal”, here...

Keeping Control Over Azure With Cloud IPAM Sync

Nowadays, hybrid clouds are ubiquitous. Companies have their resources spread across on-premise, private clouds and public clouds such as AWS and Azure. For managing these cloud infrastructures, the main options are to use the tools from the cloud provider, develop home-grown solutions, or to take advantage of a Cloud Management Platform (CMP). Unfortunately, potential outcomes of these solutions include siloed management, limited visibility of resources, or having to manage multiple separate repositories. The SOLIDserver Cloud IPAM Sync feature helps overcome...

SOLIDserver 7.2: Enhancing Network Security and Cloud Visibility

The new release of SOLIDserver 7.2 is radically geared towards the Internet, the ecosystem and the cloud. It brings more visibility on cloud resources, eases integration and digital transformation, and places the IPAM at the heart of I&O solutions for Network Security. The release brings new features and updates many DDI components, mainly in the areas of network automation and security. 1) Better control over multi-cloud with Cloud IPAM Sync Nowadays, computing resources can be deployed in any kind of...

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