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Network Management

Modern DDI: Your Quick Answer to Technical Debt

We live in a world of networks, where users expect instant access to online services, and where our services need to rapidly respond to changes in demand. It’s a world driven by digital transformation, but one that’s held back by the brakes of technical debt. What is technical debt? At heart it’s a simple concept, initially from the world of software development, a way of describing the work that needs to be done before a system can be upgraded or...

Get Ready For the Future of Retail with DNS

Walk into a modern shop and you’ll see this new interface to the world of retail. It’s chip credit card readers, barcode scanners, smart e-paper price labels, intelligent posters, and Bluetooth beacons- a list that goes on and on and into the cloud. They’re tools that are bringing about new ways of selling, and are changing the face of retail in ways you wouldn’t expect. For instance, at its recent Dreamforce event, Salesforce notably demonstrated a tool that used Bluetooth...

Simplify & Secure Your Network

When our goal is to help companies face the challenges of modern infrastructures and digital transformation, actions speak louder than words.

SOLIDserver UX interface