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Network Object Manager

Improving Operational Efficiency with DDI Automation & Event Forwarding

The DDI (DNS-DHCP-IPAM) solution is the central point for any IP related information you have on your network, so being able to automatically inform other IT components about any modifications is a must. SOLIDserver proposes such a webhook feature, which we call “Event Forwarding”. It reinforces the central position of the DDI, and in particular the IPAM, for the whole ecosystem, complementing our rich SOLIDserver API engine for automation from the peering tools in order to enhance security, visibility, compliance...

DDI & Infrastructure Software Architecture

You are convinced about the interest of the Infrastructure As Code approach. But you don’t really know how to take best advantage of the code that will be produced. The principles used in software architecture and known as the abstraction layer can be applied to infrastructure. This layer will hide the complexity of the infrastructure and allow other functional programs to manage infrastructure components through high-level API services. In the context of building such an abstraction layer with automation capabilities...

Simplify IT Operational Management with Identity Manager

The IPAM is far more than just a repository of IP addresses and subnets. To cope with a wide variety of networking environments, it becomes interesting to store and manage additional objects such as VLANs for example. In order to achieve true visibility between users and their applications, which is by essence what IT is all about, it’s necessary to be able to manage both the applications and the users. Since release 7.3, the EfficientIP SOLIDserver solution brings IT user...

SOLIDserver 7.3: Boosting Network Automation, Security and Control

Release 7.3 of SOLIDserver builds on the importance of the centralized IP Source of Truth data repository and open APIs to boost automation capabilities of DDI. With a focus on simplifying network management and easy ecosystem integration, the new functionalities introduced bring enhanced visibility over infrastructure resources and users, helping improve operational efficiency and control while strengthening security. The main features introduced with Release 7.3 include the following: 1) Network Identity Manager for Enriched IT Automation With Identity Manager, the...

Enhancing Ansible Inventory with DDI

Ansible is a configuration manager whose main role is to bring devices to a specific level of configuration. Ansible uses an inventory from which it selects devices to configure, this is where a DDI solution EfficientIP’s suite of SOLIDserver products can bring many benefits like exhaustiveness, robustness, integrity and extensibility through actionable metadata. Ansible is able to handle complex situations through regrouping of several small tasks into “playbooks”. Tasks are available for multiple operating systems, applications, and device vendors in...

SOLIDserver 7.2: Enhancing Network Security and Cloud Visibility

The new release of SOLIDserver 7.2 is radically geared towards the Internet, the ecosystem and the cloud. It brings more visibility on cloud resources, eases integration and digital transformation, and places the IPAM at the heart of I&O solutions. The release brings new features and updates many DDI components, mainly in the areas of network automation and security. 1) Better control over multi-cloud with Cloud IPAM Sync Nowadays, computing resources can be deployed in any kind of cloud and any...

Predictions 2020: Networks and IT Biggest Impacts

From 5G driving SDN and NFV, to exploding enterprise apps, edge computing, connected hybrid clouds and, of course, cybersecurity, the new decade in 2020 promises to be very eventful for network and security managers across the globe. Here are our predictions for the top five trends that will shape technology and the networks industry in the coming year. 1. Infrastructure will move closer to the edge Progressing towards multiple clouds is a really smart move. It helps ease digital transformation...

Cloud Automation: How to Use EfficientIP Terraform DDI Provider

Infrastructure is moving to the cloud, private or public, because of its ability to be elastic, programmable and in some cases cheaper. Multi-cloud today tends to be the standard way of building application bases, and automation and software-defined are the new paradigm for helping businesses in their digital transformation. In the same way, development teams are using specific development frameworks for their applications to improve quality, efficiency and reusability of the software components, and operations teams are relying on orchestration...

Poor User Experience? DNS Can Help

Today, the user experience of digital services has the greatest impact on the perception of an organization’s ability to operate competently and successfully in a digital world. It is the key competitive differentiator, and is essential for avoiding the risk of customer churn. Website visitors, syndicated content consumers, partners who consume APIs exposed by your web services, and staff members all rely on the organization’s infrastructure to be highly responsive, as well as always available. If users and machines are...

Network Security: A 2018 Priority for Public & Private Sectors

2017 featured some of the largest cyber attacks on record, a trend which is not likely to stop or slow down in 2018. One of the easiest targets for cyber criminals is DNS (Domain Name Server) as it is open by design and not well protected. Hence, it has become a primary target, being used in over 90% of malware-based attacks according to Cisco’s 2016 Annual Security Report. Furthermore, DNS-based attacks are gradually increasing their scale and points of impact,...

Simplify & Secure Your Network

When our goal is to help companies face the challenges of modern infrastructures and digital transformation, actions speak louder than words.

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