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From Leading to Lagging: Europe’s NIS 2 Compliance Spectrum

Preparing for compliance with the NIS 2 Directive is a top priority for any organization that either operates in Europe or counts it as a target market. Set to take full effect by October 17, 2024, NIS 2 aims to enhance cybersecurity by expanding the scope of its predecessor for key sectors, particularly around the visibility and understanding of risk. DNS service and network security are integral in this effort, as they ensure the protection and proper management of DNS...

Is your DNS Security Ready for the NIS 2 Directive? The Clock is Ticking!

The NIS 2 directive underscores the importance of robust DNS security to uphold internet integrity, highlighting DNS’s critical role in digital infrastructure and vulnerability to cyber threats. Implementing a Protective DNS Security solution combined with DNS-centric threat intelligence and other security measures is essential for organizations to improve defenses, minimize cyber risks, and ensure compliance with new standards set by NIS 2, thereby maintaining internet stability and security. Let’s take a closer look. NIS 2: What’s next? The year ahead...

Getting Started with SOLIDserver REST APIs

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, APIs have become the backbone of seamless integration and automation within the IT infrastructure. EfficientIP SOLIDserver, a scalable, flexible, reliable, and secure solution for DNS, DHCP and IPAM management, provides powerful open APIs. Designed as an API-first platform, SOLIDserver offers developers rich secure REST APIs and tools to integrate, automate, and extend the functionality of their network infrastructure for greater efficiency and control while improving collaboration between DevOps, NetOps, and SecOps teams. Let’s see...

DNS Threat Intelligence for Higher Education Networks

With IT staff struggling to protect legacy networks on tight budgets, it’s no wonder schools and universities are top targets for cybercriminals. Sprawling campuses handling BYoD and multiple IoT devices, together with frequent ransomware attacks and compliance regulations add to the difficulty. The 2023 IDC Threat Survey found that 90% of institutions each suffer on average 8 DNS attacks per year, with every attack costing $1.15M in damages. The report goes on to provide recommendations on how Higher Ed can...

How DDI Helps Higher Education Surf the Network Automation Wave

University networks are increasingly burdened with new technologies and security concerns brought with the explosion of mobile devices and applications. At the same time, network administrators are becoming overwhelmed by privacy and compliance requirements, while also trying to meet student expectations for high performance and always-on connectivity. With limited budget and resources, the only way to cope is by adopting networking automation. Core to this are data insights, open APIs, and Network Source of Truth (NSoT). For advancing network automation...

New IDC Report: DNS Threat Intelligence for Proactive Defense

Year after year, the impacts and costs of DNS attacks continue to rise, causing severe damage. Based on a survey of 1,000 security experts, the new 2023 IDC Threat Report shows 90% of organizations suffered DNS attacks, costing $1.1M each. Highlighting the fundamental role of DNS in network security strategies, the report confirms that it is time now more than ever to strengthen protection via a purpose-built, integrated DNS security solution. DNS threat intelligence offers evolution to proactive defense, while...

EfficientIP & Extreme Networks Integration: Strengthening Visibility, Automation and Security

EfficientIP SOLIDserver DNS-DHCP-IPAM (DDI) integrates with Extreme Networks ExtremeCloud IQ – Site Engine (XIQ SE), sharing data and leveraging the capabilities and advantages of both solutions. The integration unifies any networks for improved visibility. It simplifies IT and resource management and enhances network access control, compliance, and threat detection. Efficient management of IT networks is becoming extremely challenging Dispersed networks and devices can challenge visibility over modern hybrid environments, making it harder for IT teams to monitor and manage everything....

How DNS Security Helps Combat Ransomware

Everyone knows that Ransomware has become costly as attacks target organizations in every industry vertical. Governments, the private sector, and critical infrastructure owners face intolerable data, financial, and reputational losses with seemingly no way to stop it. But perhaps we’re not trying the right way. In most cases, ransomware needs the Domain Name System (DNS) so it can achieve its malicious goals. However, security solutions such as Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW) have limited DNS coverage in the security ecosystem. Purpose-built DNS...

Data Theft via DNS – Are You Safe?

With cybercriminals using increasingly sophisticated mechanisms, and insider threats still prevalent, organizations have come to accept that the threat of a data breach is here to stay. Rather than wondering “if” my business will become a victim of data theft or ransomware, the question now is “when”. The market stats are pretty scary: according to AV-Test Institute, more than 1 billion malware programs exist, and Sonic Wall’s 2022 report states that 40 million ransomware attacks occur every month. Despite all...

Data Regulations: Time to Step up Your Data Theft Protection

Today’s data-driven economy is being led by personal data, so naturally focus is turning more strongly to privacy and protection. New regulations have appeared over the last few years, with a rapid acceleration in regions such as North America and APAC. While it’s only fair that regulators introduce these new laws with their associated fines for data breaches, companies are still finding it extremely challenging to ensure confidentiality of their data. Cybercriminals are smart guys – data theft and ransomware...

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