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Threat Report

Enabling Industry 4.0 Through DNS Security

Industry 4.0 is defined as the ongoing transformation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices combined with the newest smart technology. The aim is to improve processes via leveraging increased automation, machine-to-machine communication and internet of things (IoT) deployments, ultimately reducing the need for human interaction within the overall manufacturing process. The widespread rollout of 5G is expected to speed up the full realization of Industry 4.0, as companies across the entire manufacturing supply chain look to take advantage of its...

DNS Security in Healthcare: Paving the Way Toward Secure Health Infrastructure

In recent years, the pace of digitization in the healthcare sector has accelerated rapidly. Devices and applications in hospitals are increasingly connected via IoT, while patient data in many countries is being recorded and shared in new and innovative ways—this is expanding the types of services patients can use, as well as make their care more efficient. In many ways COVID-19 has exacerbated these trends, as the demand for telemedicine applications and remote working solutions is at an all-time high....

2019: The Year That Saw Cost Per DNS Attack Soar Past $1M

For organizations globally, across all industries, cybersecurity was once more one of the hottest topics of the year. The SonicWall report states that in just the first nine months 7.2 billion malware attacks were launched, with IoT malware worryingly increasing by 33% to 25 million. As the frequency of attacks continued to increase, DNS remained a favorite target, as well as an attack vector (91% of malware are using DNS). The IDC 2019 Global DNS Threat Report revealed 82% of...

Responding to rapidly growing DNS threats, a critical need for APAC organizations

The average financial loss to organisations across Asia Pacific from DNS attacks is on the rise, up 19% from last year. Reports say that 62% of organizations in the region have suffered application downtime associated with DNS attacks. Companies in Asia Pacific have been steadily upping their technology spends in a quest to embrace digital economy and respond to increasing consumer and stakeholder demands. As the growth engine of the world, APAC has seen a rapid surge in the exchange...

Stop the Bleed: U.S. Companies Hemorrhage Costs When It Comes to DNS Security

U.S. businesses need a tourniquet. Fast. According to our annual Global DNS Threat Report, which looks at the cause and effect of DNS attacks on businesses across the world, companies continue to fall down on DNS security, suffering countless attacks that ultimately are costing millions. At this rate, organizations are literally bleeding out – losing money, data, time, reputation and more. The most recent study, which is in its fifth year and was conducted in partnership with IDC, revealed that...

Five Predictions for Asia Pacific DNS Security in 2019

This week’s blog comes to us from our very own Nick Itta, VP Sales APAC.With 2018 coming to a close, I’ve engaged with companies and organizations across Asia Pacific, discussing their plans of attack for strengthening cyber security. During these conversations, several recurring themes have emerged, providing some insight into what we can expect in the year ahead. Here are my five predictions for the state of Asia Pacific’s DNS security in 2019: 1. Learning from 2018’s Lessons on Personal...

2018: The Year That Saw DNS Hacks Bring the Internet to its Knees

2018 has turned out to be the year of the breach. No sooner than we got over November’s LastPass outage, the first week alone in December revealed Marriott and Quora had been hacked, exposing 600 million internet users.Worryingly, the huge organizations who were victims of these attacks and exposed their customers’ passport, CVV and credit cards details may actually be hiding even more than they have revealed so far. Some have compromised not just their customers’ details, but their DNS:...

Finance Firms Losing the Most in Battle Against DNS Attacks

Some of the world’s largest banks, including Santander, Lloyds Banking Group and HSBC, were targeted by DDoS-for-hire cyber attack website Webstresser last year, which attempted to launch DDoS attacks on their systems. These attacks cost some institutions hundreds of thousands of dollars. DDoS attacks, which seek to exploit the functionality of accessible DNS resolvers, rendering the server and its surrounding infrastructure useless, are a daily headache for many businesses, but the financial sector feels the sting more than most. EfficientIP’s...

European businesses must work harder to keep DNS protected

European organizations seem somewhat neglectful of their data. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind, is British firm Cambridge Analytica, who misused 87 million Facebook users’ data. How businesses value customer data is reflected in not only how they use that data, but what they do to protect themselves from breaches to their networks. Compromising the DNS is a popular way to exfiltrate data out of an organization. So, what steps are businesses taking to secure their networks? In...

Protect your DNS, protect your data

For the past four years, the DNS Global Threat Report created from Coleman Parkes survey data explored the technical causes and behavioral responses of Domain Name System (DNS) threats and their potential effects on businesses globally. This year, our report found an increase in the number and cost of DNS-based attacks on businesses globally, as well as a failure from organizations to adapt security solutions to protect against these new, network-based attacks that aim to exploit DNS security. While the...

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