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How Telcos Overcome Rising DNS Attacks

Telecommunication operators control and run the critical infrastructure vital for communicating and storing large amounts of sensitive data. This makes them an obvious major target for cyber attacks, frequently using DNS as an attack vector to cause devastating impacts on internet connectivity and data confidentiality. According to a recent IDC security report, Telcos are the 2nd most targeted vertical, with 94 percent of them suffering DNS attacks. Other reports estimate each DDoS attack carried out through DNS costs over $220,000...

DNS RFCs: The Elephant in the Room – Part 2

As stated in Part 1 of this series, DNS RFCs have a great impact on how DNS operates. It comes with a risk factor and can impact security. In this second part, we will continue to discuss the impact and provide some food for thought on how to deal with it. DNS is a clear Favorite – Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE loves it! DNS has had more than 25 years to mature, and with that, also the bad actors that want...

Network Security for Higher Education: The Key Role of DNS

Last year, Education and Research were the top targets for cybercriminals, according to a study by Check Point. With remote learning becoming normal, bad actors are finding new ways to leverage techniques such as phishing and ransomware, often using DNS as an attack target or a vector. IDC’s 2022 Global DNS Threat Report shows that 84% of schools and universities were victims of DNS attacks in the past 12 months. The report then goes on to provide recommendations on how purpose-built DNS...

DNS Security for Healthcare: Controlling Connected Devices and Protecting Patient Data

Over the past few years, healthcare organizations have been rapidly moving towards connected devices and cloud, driven by digital transformation projects and accelerated by the pandemic. However, to allow operating with complete trust, cybersecurity solutions need to keep pace with new telehealth/telemedicine technologies adopted which due to their criticality for patient health must be “always on”. Above all, network infrastructure needs to be reliable, connected medical devices have to be controlled in terms of what infrastructure they are allowed to...

SD-WAN: Why DDI is Key for Efficient Management

As published in a recent article in SDxCentral based on research from MEF, both the SD-WAN and SASE markets show strong revenue and activity, but they both face challenges impacting market efficiencies and growth. Let’s review the related challenges presented in the article and see how a solid DDI Solution can help mitigate these challenges and ease multi-vendor SD-WAN and integration of Security options. Challenges with SD-WAN for Service Providers and Enterprises Across the globe, 36 Service Provider experts were surveyed and the results...

How to Secure Anywhere Networking with DNS: 2022 Threat Report Highlights

As organizations adopt a “work from anywhere” approach, IDC’s 2022 Global DNS Threat Report confirms that the frequency and damage cost of DNS attacks have remained as high as ever, causing severe impacts on service continuity and data confidentiality for on-premises, cloud, and remote workers. On the positive side, the importance of DNS for overall network security is being increasingly acknowledged, with organizations understanding its criticality for strengthening resilience, protecting data privacy, and for providing an early security barrier by...

Enhancing Visibility & Control Over Google Cloud Platform with IPAM Sync

Today, workloads are deployed on in-house DC or Public Cloud (Hybrid Cloud) or even in various Public Cloud Providers (MultiCloud). This brings new challenges for Netops and SecOps teams to build an accurate and consolidated Visibility on the Hybrid Cloud and Multicloud Infrastructures they are in charge of, so they require a Network Source of Truth (NSoT) for administration, operations and security purposes. An IPAM is meant for planification and reference purposes. It is used as a blueprint of the...

Hybrid Workforce: Who’s Managing DNS?

Post pandemic situation sees the confirmation of working from home but also working from anywhere. After COVID-19, 92% of eligible people expect to work from home at least 1 day per week, and 80% expected to work at least 3 days from home per week according to a survey by Owl labs. Most enterprises seem to accept this new paradigm as it improves the overall productivity of the workforce. Provided the logistics of working outside the Enterprise can be addressed,...

How to Enhance Threat Intelligence with Newly Observed Domains

Domain names life cycle… Domain names are used as a way to abstract the location of the related application or service and hide its IP address to the user. It is much easier to remember a meaningful name than a meaningless IP address, particularly when it comes to IPv6 addresses. Before anything, one needs to register the new domain name in a Domain Name Registrar. This corresponds to reserving the name so no one else can use it from then...

Addressing DNS Security Risks That Threaten The Education Sector

In the wake of the pandemic, the education sector saw one of the most dramatic digital transformations as schools and universities worldwide were forced to move overnight to remote learning. This resulted in a growing cybersecurity footprint seized by attackers, especially targeting the Domain Name System (DNS) which plays a crucial role in routing internal and external traffic. While almost all organizations have been vulnerable, K-12 schools have been shown to be particularly at risk. As school systems went into...

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