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A Modern DDI Solution Enables Successful Partnerships Between NetOps and SecOps

​​This week’s blog comes courtesy of guest author Shamus McGillicuddy (VP of Research at EMA), a leading industry analyst covering enterprise network technology. Network operations (NetOps) and security operations (SecOps) teams have increased collaboration in more than 75% of enterprises, according to new research by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA). Digital transformation is a significant driver of this collaboration. About four out of five enterprises reported that NetSecOps collaboration is in response to public cloud adoption, work-from-anywhere initiatives, data center modernization,...

Improving I&O Efficiency with DNS and DHCP Services in Containers

Running applications, components and services in containers is particularly interesting with regards to the ease of deployment, the level of isolation and the topologies authorized through some modern architecture models. DNS and DHCP services, considered Core Network Services, are distributed by nature, are positioned very close to user devices and can benefit from these architecture patterns. EfficientIP services can run in containers and still be managed centrally from the SOLIDserver management plane, allowing dynamic topologies, automated scale in/out and edge...

Addressing DNS Security Risks That Threaten The Education Sector

In the wake of the pandemic, the education sector saw one of the most dramatic digital transformations as schools and universities worldwide were forced to move overnight to remote learning. This resulted in a growing cybersecurity footprint seized by attackers, especially targeting the Domain Name System (DNS) which plays a crucial role in routing internal and external traffic. While almost all organizations have been vulnerable, K-12 schools have been shown to be particularly at risk. As school systems went into...

Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your IPAM

As the technology that drives business forward evolves, so does the need for a more complex network that keeps everyone securely connected. An improved IP address management (IPAM) solution upgrade can help make it easier to build and maintain an inventory of your networks, subnets and IP addresses, and preserve the health of your network overall. A timely upgrade can help you efficiently manage this vital area of your organization. Learn more about modernizing your IPAM solution and how a...

SOLIDserver Release 8.0: Enhancing Multi Cloud Control and Security

The Release 8.0 of SOLIDserver puts strong focus on support of multi cloud services and strengthening of DNS Security, thus helping network teams improve control and visibility over their entire infrastructure. In particular, it enhances the existing DNS Cloud feature with Azure DNS Zones capability, and builds on EfficientIP’s award-winning DNS Guardian solution for improving filtering of DNS queries and expanding capacity of security policies. The main features introduced with Release 8.0 include the following: 1) DNS Cloud for Azure...

Improving Operational Efficiency with DDI Automation & Event Forwarding

The DDI (DNS-DHCP-IPAM) solution is the central point for any IP related information you have on your network, so being able to automatically inform other IT components about any modifications is a must. SOLIDserver proposes such a webhook feature, which we call “Event Forwarding”. It reinforces the central position of the DDI, and in particular the IPAM, for the whole ecosystem, complementing our rich SOLIDserver API engine for automation from the peering tools in order to enhance security, visibility, compliance...

5 Reasons to Choose EfficientIP DDI

Requirements of today’s IT infrastructure IT infrastructure has become extremely complex and in perpetual evolution to match ever evolving business needs. In addition to planning the needs for building and running new IT and Network services, decommissioning of resources when they are no longer needed, must now be anticipated right from the get go. Obviously, all this must also be performed while ensuring maximum security, high velocity and reliability in the execution. Not conforming to these requirements would lead to...

Enhancing IoT Security with DNS CQF

IoT devices are popping up every second, with many being on an organization’s network but not always under the control of I&O teams. These devices are required to be identified, inventoried, screened, managed and secured in order not to cause any problems to the rest of the IT ecosystem, the users or the organization itself. This requires tooling and processes where the DDI (DNS-DHCP-IPAM) certainly has an important role to play, in particular EfficientIP’s DNS Client Query Filtering (CQF) feature....

DDI & Infrastructure Software Architecture

You are convinced about the interest of the Infrastructure As Code approach. But you don’t really know how to take best advantage of the code that will be produced. The principles used in software architecture and known as the abstraction layer can be applied to infrastructure. This layer will hide the complexity of the infrastructure and allow other functional programs to manage infrastructure components through high-level API services. In the context of building such an abstraction layer with automation capabilities...

DDI Automation for Infrastructure as Code

When using code to automate the activities in the infrastructure department, a DDI solution (DNS, DHCP & IPAM) is one of the parts to connect to and use data from. It may actually be a good strategy to start your Infrastructure as Code initiative with DDI in your bucket of tools and software integrations, as it will facilitate the development of other parts thanks to its “IP Source of Truth” data repository and network services automation. Automated Infrastructure It was...

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When our goal is to help companies face the challenges of modern infrastructures and digital transformation, actions speak louder than words.

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