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Win the Battle Against Connected Devices with DNS Security

Connected cameras, vending machines and light bulbs have become the unexpected vectors of the latest cyberattacks. These are just the beginning of a long list of Internet of Things devices used by hackers to take down businesses or steal data. But where should the blame lie for this new threat? The promise of connected devices was one of a better life. We loved the idea of making things easier with access to more services at the same time. Manufacturers also...

Using DNS to Defend Against IoT Botnets

Sometimes cyberattacks come from a direction you weren’t really expecting. We all know about threats from ransomware, nation-state actors, industrial espionage, or hacker collectives looking for personally-identifiable information (particularly for credit cards). But we probably weren’t expecting our sites and services to be collateral damage in a small but nasty war in the world of Minecraft gaming server providers. That’s what seems to be the reason for the rise of the Mirai botnet, and its attacks on the Dyn cloud...

Fighting DDoS Attacks with Hybrid DNS

DNS security has been in the news again, with one of the largest DDoS attacks ever disrupting the Dyn cloud DNS service. At least 150,000 compromised devices (including IoT hardware) were used by the Mirai botnet to bombard cloud-hosted DNS servers with DNS requests, taking down access to many of the Internet’s most popular services. It’s not the only major service provider that’s had a DNS-based attack in the last few weeks, with Singapore’s StarHub reporting a similar incident. What...

All or Nothing: Why Partial Automation Does Not Work

As we build out cloud applications and networks, we need to change the way we deliver and manage IP addresses. Many of the tools we currently use were designed for the good old days, when we had one or two, or maybe tens of servers to support a single application- a server was deployed once and it sat in the datacenter for years. That’s all changed. We’re now deploying hundreds, even thousands, of virtual servers; taking advantage of the speed...

IoT Security: Are Universities’ DNS and DHCP Ready for the Challenge?

Today, our communications are greatly enhanced by access to the Internet, giving the ability to connect computers through a global network infrastructure. While we once only connected directly through a static port computer, we now utilize more than five connected items on average, making the total amount of IoT devices expected to more than double every five years. However, connecting all of these devices through private or public networks has its dark side too, and can be challenging for many...

The Internet of Things and DNS Security

When we think of the Internet of Things, we usually think of smart home devices such as Nest’s intelligent thermostat, Amazon’s Echo or the recently announced Google Home. But they’re only a small part of a predicted explosion in the number of devices – and in the services they are going to use. Tomorrow’s internet is one where machines and devices outnumber the PCs and smartphones that access the information they deliver. Just take a look at the announcements from...

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